
Vision Statement

For the glory of God and motivated by his grace for us, Grace Fellowship seeks to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through loving and lasting relationships with the unchurched in the Boston area and unreached global people groups who don’t have access to churches.

Globally, Grace Fellowship will focus in 1-3 geographic areas in the 10/40 window with short-term and long-term missionaries focused on church planting and strengthening.

We hope to accomplish this by supporting every member to:

  • Desire a heart for missions including praying for, financially supporting, and building relationships with local and global partners.
  • Attend a short-term missions trip at least every four years.
  • Consider participating in long-term missions.
  • Nurture an international friendship.

Locally, Grace Fellowship will focus its local efforts in Boston by partnering with 1-2 neighboring churches. We hope to accomplish this by supporting every member to:

  • Participate in at least one local outreach each year.
  • Consistently pray for at least one non-Christian friend.

Missions Committee Members

Shio Hirata

Jenifer Lee