
Welcome to our kids ministry!

GraceKids exists to glorify God by:

  • Partnering with parents in the Christian nurture of their children
  • Proclaiming the Gospel in word and deed to children through class instruction and interaction
  • Supporting families in their commitment to live out their faith in engaging with their neighborhood and the wider community

Sunday Service

Children are an integral part of worship and we value their participation and presence. On Sundays when children are dismissed from service (~10:25a.m.), the following age-specific classes are offered:
Nursery - 0-2yrs
Toddler/Preschool - 2-5 years
Younger Elementary - Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
Older Elementary - 3rd -5th Grade

Teachers bring children back to service after the sermon to rejoin their families for the remainder of the time (11:05).


1st Sunday of the Month - Family Worship Sunday

All elementary-aged children (K-5th) remain throughout the entire service. Resources available at the Welcome Table. Nursery & Tod/PreK classes still in session.

2nd Sunday of the Month - Large Group Sunday

All elementary-aged children (K-5th) attend Large Group in the cafeteria after dismissal (no Younger or Older Elementary specific class). Nursery & Tod/PreK classes still in session.

All other Sundays

Nursery, Tod/PreK, Younger Elem, Older Elem dismissed to specific classes.

Please contact Hanna Chen ( with questions and if you’re interested in volunteering (all volunteers subject to CORI background check and interview).

Upcoming GraceKids Events