Our Beliefs

We believe that there is one true God who exists in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. These three are the same in substance and equal in power and glory. We believe God created all things, and He created humanity for His glory and to enjoy a personal relationship with Him. Yet we have turned from Him in rebellion, what the Bible calls sin, and so our relationship with Him is broken and we justly deserve His judgment.

But there is good news - the gospel - because God in His great mercy and love purposed to restore us to relationship with Him and make all things new. Therefore the Father did not spare His own Son, but sent Jesus to rescue His people. And Jesus lived a perfect life and willingly gave Himself up as a sacrifice and substitute for us to appease the wrath of God, so that all who put their faith in Him are forgiven their sins. This is the only way to be saved and be in a restored relationship with God. And this is a gift; we cannot earn this, nor do we deserve it. It is all grace all the time.

Finally, we believe that Jesus calls his followers to become actively invested in the world’s people and problems by bringing His kingdom truth and values to bear on all of life. One day Jesus will return and all things will be made new and his followers will enjoy perfect and eternal fellowship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Our core beliefs are summarized in ancient creeds such as the Apostles’ Creed and Nicene Creed. Furthermore, we are affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America and therefore affirm the central teachings outlined in the Westminster Confession of Faith (to read a modern version see New City Catechism). This Confessional Statement from The Gospel Coalition is also a helpful document.