Women's Ministry
The mission of the women's ministry is simply to serve God by creating opportunities for women to be deeply known, encouraged, and empowered not only by each other, but ultimately by our heavenly Father. We rely on the Holy Spirit working through the hearts and hands of volunteers called to teach, serve, welcome others, and open their homes in hospitality.
Women's Bible Study Winter/Spring 2025
Our women's studies are safe spaces where women can be their authentic selves as we share our struggles and joys. In the past, we have explored God's extravagant grace and unconditional love, living a prayerful life that prioritizes connecting with God in a distracting world, and finding our identity in Christ.
For our next series, we will be studying Jesus' identity by looking at twelve encounters and teachings recorded in the book of Luke.
The study will begin on January 28th and be held every other Tuesday, from 7-9pm, with a couple of months where we will meet three times a month. The dates of the study are:
January 28
February 11 & 25
March 4, 11, 25
April 8, 15, 29
May 6 & 20
June 3
We will be capping off the bible study series with a women's retreat in Duxbury the weekend of June 6-8th.
Previous Women's Ministry Events